Don’t see your insurance provider on this list? Don’t worry. These are just the major providers we work with; there are many others not listed.
The best way to find out is to give us a call and tell us about the details of your plan.
Does medical insurance cover eye exams?
Usually; medical insurance does typically cover medical eye services, as long as you have a related medical complaint – such as pink eye, allergies or diabetes. Usually a specialist copay will apply for approved medical testing, with a refraction copay if glasses are prescribed during the same visit.
Can you tell me exactly what my insurance will cover?
No. Your insurance is a legal contract between you, your employer (if you’re insured through a job) and the insurance company. There are countless insurance providers and policies out there, all of them complex and subject to change. There’s simply no way we could know the limits and exclusions of every one. We’ll do our very best to help you get the information you need, but we’re not in a position to guarantee coverage. If you receive services from us that your policy doesn’t cover, you’ll be responsible to pay for them out of pocket.
Will I have to pay anything at my appointment?
Yes, any co-payments you’re responsible for will be due at the time of your visit. After we receive payment from your insurance company, our office will reconcile the account and, if needed, either bill or refund the difference to you.
What if my insurance reimburses me directly for my medical bills?
There are insurances whose contracts make it impossible for us to receive payment directly from the insurance company. In that case, we’ll ask you to pay for the services in full when we see you. Later, your insurance reimbursement will be sent to you directly.
How many insurance companies can you file for a given procedure?
If you have coverage for the same procedure from more than one company, we’ll file the primary and secondary carrier for direct reimbursement to us (as long as we’re contracted with both carriers); you can file the others for your reimbursement.
Can you get approval from my primary care doctor at the time of my appointment?
No, we need to receive any prior approvals or referrals from other doctors before rendering services.
What happens if my insurance company hasn’t paid you?
If there are any unpaid balances on your account three months after we’ve filed your insurance, those become your responsibility. We encourage you to contact your insurance company directly for reimbursement.